Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wheels North Day 5

Yreka to Ashland.

Short day today, and a short post.

Whenever I'm out doing something out-doorsy, I seem to pine for another mode of conveyance. Out hiking a beautiful trail I will wish for my mountain bike, and other such.

So when Mt Shasta came into view today in all it's magnetic glory, I was wanting to peel off and go hike up.

Last time I saw Shasta it was at 75mph heading south on 5. This was much better, and I long for the day I'm looking down from the top.

Each days ride seems to bring something that marks it unique to this trip. Today it was riding on I-5. We were on for maybe 7 or 10 miles, and Histio must have some pull because for most of that we had our own lane!(construction) We veered off just in time for an epic, twisty descent into Ashland.


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